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An organization is the top-level unit for Checklist. Upon creating a new account, we automatically generate an organization (and a team within it) for you. This organization can be utilized individually or collaboratively with others as part of a team or teams.

While the basic Checklist plan is free, you have the option to upgrade your account for enhanced features and quotas. In this scenario, the Organization serves as the billing entity for the subscription, with allowed quotas and usage calculated based on the Organization and its plan. Learn more about Checklist Plans ↗.

An organization can encompass one or more teams, such as a marketing or sales team. Refer to teams ↗ for more information.

You can still use Checklist individually without any sharing.

Viewing an Organization

To view your organization, click on the Teams button on the main navigation of the app (on the left side of the screen):

View Organization

Upon selection, you'll see a list of organizations or teams you belong to in the blue section. Choose the organization you want to view, and it will display in the main section of the screen.

Only organization admins can view organization details or make changes to them:

Organization Admin


The organization's plan determines the features and quotas available. Read more about billing ↗.

Rename Organization

To change the organization's name, navigate to it and scroll down to the Rename Organization section:

Rename Organization

Modify the organization name and click the Rename button.

Note: Your organization name must be 3-30 alphanumeric characters or spaces.

Managing Admins

Organization admins can:

  • Change the organization name
  • Manage the billing Plan
  • Manage organization admins
  • Change the organization timezone
  • Create & Delete teams

To add or remove an admin, navigate to the Organization page and scroll down to the Administration section. In the Organization Admins selector, click the drop-down arrow to reveal all available users:

Organization Admins

Who can be an admin?

  • The organization owner is always an admin of the organization and cannot be removed
  • Any user who is an admin of one of the organization's teams

Delete an admin by deselecting them from the drop-down or clicking the X next to their name.


Upon creation, the organization adopts the same timezone as its owning user. Any teams created under the organization will inherit the same timezone when created.

To change the timezone of an organization, navigate to the Organization page and scroll down to the Administration section. Click the drop-down of the timezone selector:

Organization Timezone

Scroll up or down to choose your timezone or start typing and select from the autocomplete options.

Changing the organization timezone does not affect the timezones of its teams.

Deleting an Organization

To delete an organization, navigate to the organization page and scroll down to the Administration section. Click the Delete Organization button. A confirmation dialog will appear. Click Delete to confirm.

Warning: Deleting organizations erases all teams, checklists, and associated resources, disabling further billing.

Note: Deleting an organization is permanent. Ensure you do not do so accidentally, as restoration is not possible.

You cannot delete the last organization you belong to.

Adding a team to the Organization

To add a team, navigate to the organization you wish to add it under and scroll down to the Administration section. Click the +Team button:

Add team to organization

The Create a new Team dialog will open. Set the name of the new team and click Create to confirm.

Note: Team names can be 3-30 alphanumeric characters, and spaces are allowed.

Adding an Organization

If you need to add a new organization, click on the +Organization button:

Add an organization

A dialog will appear where you can set the name of the new organization you wish to create.

Note: The newly created organization is separate from your existing organizations and acts as a distinct billing entity.