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The Dashboard is designed to provide you with an overview of your checklists, emphasizing what's important. It can be personalized to suit your needs.

By default, upon login, you are directed to the Checklists page. If you prefer the Dashboard as your default page, you can adjust this setting in the Account Preferences page.

Here's a snapshot of a typical Dashboard:

Checklist App Dashboard

Note: Widgets that currently have no data will be hidden. For example, if you have no open tasks marked with a priority, the Priority Tasks widget will not be displayed.


The content displayed on the Dashboard is customizable. You can choose from various widgets and rearrange them. Click on the Settings (Gear) button to manage your Dashboard:

Checklist Dashboard Settings

The Settings dialog is divided into the following sections:

  1. List
  2. Maximum Items
  3. Actions

List Settings

Your selected widgets are listed, each with:

Checklist Widget Setting

  • A 'Dragger' allows you to rearrange widgets by dragging and dropping them.
  • A Widget selector lets you choose which Widget to display in a specific position.
  • A Delete button removes the widget.

At the bottom of the list is an 'Add Widget' button to add more widgets. Clicking on it will add a widget item to the list. You can have as many items as you like.

Maximum Items

This setting lets you determine the maximum number of items displayed in each widget, ranging from 1 to 10.


The Action buttons allow you to:

  • Cancel your changes and close the dialog.
  • Reset your settings and return to the system defaults.
  • Save your changes and close the dialog.


Choose from the following widgets:

Trigger Templates

This widget is exclusive to users with the 'Runner' role. It displays templates marked as Favorites (Starred).

Runners can click on the Trigger button next to a template to execute it, creating a checklist. See Triggering a Template for more details.

Today's Checklists

Displays all checklists created today, including task counts and completions. Click on a checklist to view it.

Yesterday's Checklists

Shows all checklists created yesterday. Click on a checklist to view it.

Priority Tasks

Lists top tasks marked with a priority, sorted from High to Medium to Low. Click on a task to open the checklist at that position.

Due & Expired Tasks

Displays open tasks due today followed by tasks that have already expired (i.e., their due date is in the past). Clicking on a task opens the checklist at the task position.


This widget type allows you to showcase tasks from a specific checklist. Typically, you can place your important checklists here. Click to view the task in the checklist.

Want More Widgets?

We are actively adding more widgets based on user feedback. Feel free to send us your feedback ↗.