Turn any list in your blog into a beautiful interactive checklist. Print, use, share, download to mobile and more. We are proud to announce the release of the Checklist WordPress plugin. Anyone who has run a successful blog knows that people love lists! And with the Checklist WordPress Plugin they can easily turn any boring bullet list into an interactive checklist.
Today we are happy to announce the release of the Checklist plugin for WordPress, available from our github repository and the WordPress plugins directory.
We’ll let the plugin speak for itself (so please head over and have a look at the docs and screenshots). In the meanwhile, just to let you know that this is the first release and we are planning to introduce more features as we receive your feedback. So please do contact us with your feedback.
We are very happy to help you set it up, hear your ideas for any missing functionality you wish added or just let us know how you implemented it on your blog. We are putting together a list of sites which are using it. So do let us know.
Checklist WordPress Plugin – Check it out