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Baby Development Stages Checklist
Scores 4.80 with 95 votes
53 tasks
Fae Fisher
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At 1 month of age, most babies
Raise his or her head slightly up, when laying down on his or her stomach.
Hold his or her head up momentarily, but must be supported by you.
Briefly watch and follow objects with his or her eyes.
Avoid mildly annoying sensations, such as the placement of acloth on baby's face.
Begin making some "noise in throat" kind of sounds.
At 2 months of age, most babies
Hold his or her head erect when baby is being supported in a sitting position.
Follow a moving person with his or her eyes.
Begin to imitate or will respond to smiling persons, with perhaps, occasional smile or vocalizations from baby.
At 3 months of age, most babies
Can lift head and chest when on stomach.
Move both eyes in the same direction.
Turn their heads toward bright colors and lights.
Are able to notice bottle or breast.
Can now begin to coo and chuckle.
React to sudden sounds or voices.
Make fists with both hands.
Grasp toys or hair.
Wiggle and kick with arms and legs.
At 4 months of age, most babies
Has good control of his or her head.
Is able to roll from side to side, while laying down.
Can take an objecgt, such as a baby rattle.
May start to reach at this age.
Can follow moving objects, when he or she is being held in a sitting position.
Can laugh aloud.
Enjoys playing.
At 6 months of age, most babies
Can now sit with minimal support.
Can roll from his or her back to stomach.
Can transfer an object from hand to hand, and from hand to mouth.
Begin babbling, and making a couple of sounds.
Follow moving objects with their eyes.
Turn toward the source of normal sound.
Help hold the bottle during feeding.
Recognize familiar faces.
At 9 months of age, most babies
Can now sit alone.
Can change positions without falling over.
Can now play with two objects - at the same time.
Can unwrap baby blocks.
May be able to say sounds or words, such as "Mama" or "BA-BA."
At 12 months of age, most babies
Sit without support.
Pull to a standing position.
Drink from a cup.
Wave bye-bye.
Hold out their arms and legs while being dressed.
Put objects in a container.
Stack two blocks.
Know five or six words.
Scores 4.80 with 95 votes
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