Movie Review Checklist

Scores 4.79 with 269 votes
Table of Contents
Movie Review Checklist
  • Where the movie takes place, the year, and any other information of that sort.
  • Consider the director and how they choose to portray/explain the events in the story. Think about the way they presented the movie to the audience. If the movie was slow, or didn't include things you thought were necessary, credit this to the director.
  • Was the movie choppy? Also, consider special effects (if the movie had any).
  • Did the clothing choice fit the style of the movie?
  • Did the background look realistic? If the movie was filmed in a real place, was this place well-chosen?
  • Did it fit the scenes? Was it over/under-used? Was it nice to listen to, or annoying?
Scores 4.79 with 269 votes

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