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Hospital Discharge Checklist
Scores 4.82 with 152 votes
31 tasks
Nicole Nichols-West
Table of Contents
Things to do before you go home
Speak to a hospital staff member about how long it might be before you will be feeling better and can expect to resume usual activities.
Make sure you understand about what you can and can't do when you go home.
Ask staff questions about what has happened to you and what changes you can expect in your health and daily activities once you return home.
Check when you are required to next see your healthcare professional.
Getting Home Successfully
Check if you, or your family, have the keys to your home.
Decide how will you get home from hospital.
Check if you have sufficient money with you for the first few days out of hospital.
Check if your home need to be cleaned before you get out of hospital.
Make sure there are fresh groceries at home in preparation for discharge.
Check if you have adequate heating/cooling immediately you get home.
Check if you need to pay any urgent bills in the first few days after going home.
Contact your family/friends to advise them that you are going home.
Someone to care for you
Make sure you have a carer who can assist you with aspects of daily living after you leave hospital.
Discuss with your carer what he/she might need to do for you, and how often this will happen.
Make sure you and your carer are confident that you can both manage every day.
Check the arrangements for pets, garden and house care that you made while you are in hospital, and after you go home.
Make sure you have a list of any medications and the required dosage, any prescriptions.
Check if you need more education and/or assistance with your medications before you leave hospital.
Make sure you understand about how any new medications work.
Check if you have enough medication to last for the first few days after discharge.
Services and equipment that could help you manage at home
Check if your community health or support services know you are in hospital.
Make sure these services to be available for you as soon as you leave hospital.
Check if new community health or support services have been arranged for you.
Check if you need any equipment to help you manage in your house
Check if you're confident in using the equipment you have been given whilst in hospital.
If you already have equipment at home, check if it will still be adequate.
Scores 4.82 with 152 votes
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