Foods for Lower Cholesterol

Scores 4.79 with 105 votes
Foods for Lower Cholesterol
  • Say yes to ;soluble ;fiber! Filling and delicious, oatmeal is a great way to start your day. Make sure it's whole oats and not instant or quick-cooking! Mix it up! Try it with plain yogurt or skim milk. Add berr
  • Refreshing, crisp, and full of soluble fiber that will help fill you up while keeping cholesterol down.
  • Whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread, and brown rice are all great options. Bored with rice? Try barley instead.
  • Also high in soluble fiber, eating just a cup of beans per day can help lower cholesterol. Eat at least four times a week for best results. Best beans are chickpeas, navy beans, lentils and black beans. Add to soups, chili's and salads to add bulk
  • Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, blueberries are a sweet and healthy topping alternative to yogurts and cereals. Or eat them alone as a natural sweet treat.
  • Soy milk, tofu, and soya beans are best. Be wary of certain soya products like those found in cereal's or soy meats - they can be overly processed and lacking in nutritional value.
  • Full of Omega-3's, fish is a great meat substitute that has less fat and more health benefits. Salmon is one of the best fish-fare options, but trout, ;mackerel, herring, tuna and halibut are also great. If you don't like fish, you can try a supple
  • Unsalted, plain nuts can help reduce blood cholesterol, while jazzing up everything from salads to cereals. All nuts are high in calories, though, so eating a handful a day (or sprinkling on your favorite dishes) should suffice.
  • Sprinkle on cereals and salads or even add to your coffee.
  • This oil has the good fat! ;Substitute ;olive oil for canola, corn oil and butter.
  • Rich in monosaturated fat, this green fruit has been shown to raise "good" HDL's.
  • Use in moderation! Try 1-2 Tablespoons of almond butter on whole-grain toast or with an apple.
  • Mince or dice fresh garlic, and add to your favorite dishes. The breath is worth the benefits! Not a fan? Ask your doctor about the best garlic supplements.
  • Even just 1 tsp a day can help decrease LDL. Add to oatmeal, coffee, or baked goods.
  • This zesty spice can also help relieve an upset stomach and ;nausea.
Scores 4.79 with 105 votes

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