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Baby Development Checklist
Scores 4.81 with 100 votes
70 tasks
Fae Fisher
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At one month baby may be able to
Lift head briefly when on stomach
Focus on a face
Respond to a bell in some way
Follow an object moved above their face
Avoid annoying sensations
At two months baby may be able to
Smile in response to yours
Vocalize in ways other than crying
Lift head 45 degrees while lying on stomach
Pay attention to a very small object
Grasp a rattle held to the backs or tips of fingers
At three moths baby may be able to
Laugh out loud
Lift head 90 degrees on stomach
Squeal in delight
Bring both hands together
Smile spontaneously
Holds head steady when upright
Roll over (one way)
Make fists with both hands
Differentiate between bottle and breast
At four months baby may be able to
Use arms to raise chest when on stomach
Reach for an object
Razz (make a wet razzing sound)
Keep head level with body when pulled to sitting
Turn in the direction of a voice
Enjoy playing
At five months baby may be able to
Roll over both ways
Bear some weight on legs
Make vowel consonant sounds
Reach for an object and pick it up
Look for a dropped object
Object if you take a toy away
Feed themselves a cracker
At six months baby may be able to
Sit without assistance
Stand with assistance
Get into a sitting position from stomach
Hold bottle during feeding
Recognize familiar faces
At seven month baby may be able to
Work to get a toy out of reach
Pass an object from one hand to the other
Play peekaboo
Stand holding on to someone or something
Start crawling around
At eight months baby may be able to
Pull up to stading position from sitting
Say mama or dada indiscriminately
At nine months baby may be able to
Change positions without falling over
Play with two toys at the same time
Walk holding onto furniture
Understand the word "no"
At ten months baby may be able to
Clap hands or wave bye
Pick up tiny object with thumb and forefinger
Stand alone momentarily
Roll ball back to you
At 11 months baby may be able to
Indicate want in ways other than crying
Drink from a cup independently
Say three or more words other than mama or dada
At 12 months baby may be able to
Take a few steps
Put objects in a container
Put arms or legs out to be dressed
Scores 4.81 with 100 votes
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