Emergency Checklist

Scores 4.71 with 150 votes
Table of Contents
Emergency Checklist
  • Have an extensive kit complete with pressure bandages and pain medication available.
  • Use a daily dosage pack to sort medications and replace monthly with fresh pills. Keep fresh insulin and diabetic supplies well stocked.
  • Copies of your family's medical records should be in your kit as well as insurance information.
  • All family members should know how to administer CPR. Check locally for classes.
  • Have ten days worth of food and plenty of bottled water available.
  • A large duffel with a warm change of clothing and a blanket for each family member should be kept ready.
  • Designate a place in your home as the 'safest spot' to be - usually in a bathroom or central hallway with adequate support beams.
  • If there is an infant in the house, ensure that you have all the needed supplies including diapers, wipes, formula and bottles (even if the baby is breastfed).
  • Appropriate wrenches or other tools should be placed near turnoff valves. Flashlights with new batteries should be located around the house. Ones that plug into outlets are also good.
  • Ensure that bleach and ammonia are stored in separate rooms - in case of structural collapse of a building the containers could break and leak - and the mixture forms a toxic gas.
  • Always keep close to a full tank in your vehicle.
  • Ensure that tires have good tread and are properly inflated. Keep snow chains accessible.
  • This can hold a second set of emergency supplies as well as extra blankets.
  • Keep a fully charged emergency only phone in your car or purse.
  • Have at least one traditional phone - cordless ones won't work in a power outage.
  • Have extra batteries available, and put a second unit in your vehicle.
  • This should be laminated to waterproof it, and each family member should have a copy.
  • Especially important in regions with severe storms, flooding, hurricanes or tornadoes.
  • You don't know how important it is until you don't have any.
  • Maxi pads and tampons should be sealed in a large plastic bag.
  • Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and mouthwash, plus dental adhesive should be packed.
  • Several bottles should be distributed through your kit.
  • Photocopies should be packed in your emergency stash in case you are forced out of your home without your wallet or purse.
  • Always have some cash in small bills a secure place, including plenty of quarters for phone calls for each person just in case.
Scores 4.71 with 150 votes

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